Every year, Reunion Island transforms into an epic playground for ultramarathon runners from around the world. The Grand Raid, also known as La Diagonale des Fous, is a one-of-a-kind sporting event that attracts intrepid participants and trail enthusiasts through breathtaking landscapes. In 2023, this legendary adventure promises to be even more breathtaking than ever.
The History of the Great Raid
The Grand Raid was created in 1989 and takes its name from the incredible diagonal of the island that the runners cover, from the south to the north of Reunion Island. This event has become a global benchmark in the world of ultramarathons due to its demanding course, its changing climatic conditions and the natural beauty of Reunion Island.
The Magic of the Landscape
In addition to the physical challenge, the Grand Raid offers runners the opportunity to discover the natural beauty and geographical diversity of Reunion Island. Participants traverse incredible landscapes, from lush jungle to spectacular volcanic plateaus and picturesque waterfalls. The breathtaking panoramas are a reward in themselves for the efforts made.
Grand Raid 2023 program