Ranked among the most beautiful villages in France, Hell-Bourg, is a true jewel of Creole architecture. Its colorful huts, its narrow streets and its unique atmosphere make it an ideal place to discover the culture and heritage of Reunion.

Here are 7 essential activities for total immersion:

Creole huts circuit:

Corine Tellier
Visitors in front of the Baro house in Hell-Bourg

The Creole huts circuit takes you through the village and allows you to discover this unique architecture, these colorful gardens and the history of the families who lived there.

Guided tour in the footsteps of maronage:

This visit traces the history of fugitive slaves who took refuge in the mountains of Reunion. You discover their lifestyles, their struggles and their contribution to Reunionese identity.

Kèr Maron Association
storytelling walk in salazie

Urban escape game:


This activity offers you an immersive adventure in the streets of the village. You must solve puzzles and complete challenges to discover hidden treasure. A fun and original activity for the whole family!

Family treasure hunt:

This treasure hunt is a fun and educational journey that leads you to discover the emblematic places of the village. As a family, you must solve clues and answer questions to progress in the adventure.

Eastern Adventurers
Children playing a treasure hunt in Salazie

Guided tour of Maison Folio:

Corine Tellier
group of visitors in the folio house

This large Creole hut invites you to discover the interior of a typical 19th century hut. You will find furniture and everyday objects from the time there, and you will immerse yourself in the atmosphere of life in the past.

Les trésors de la paille de chouchou :

Plongez dans le savoir-faire artisanal de Salazie en découvrant le tressage de la paille de chouchou. De la récolte à la création d’un objet, cet atelier vous permet d’explorer une tradition créole tout en repartant avec votre propre création.

East side Reunion
récolte de la paille de chouchou

Plongée immersive dans l’histoire de La Réunion :

IRT@La Petite Créole
Weaving workshop at daybreak in Hell-Bourg

Apprenez-en davantage sur l’histoire du maronage à Hell-Bourg à travers une exposition et une balade guidée. Découvrez les sentiers empruntés par les Marons et plongez dans leur quête de liberté à travers des récits et des paysages saisissants.

These 7 activities are just an overview of everything Hell-Bourg has to offer visitors curious to discover Reunion culture and heritage.

Don't hesitate to stroll through the streets of the village, chat with the locals and soak up the unique atmosphere of this magical place.

Click here to eat in the Salazie cirque!

And here, to sleep in the Salazie cirque!


About Annabel

Passionate about Creole traditions, nature, intense and environmentally friendly activities 🌿

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