Distinguish Reunion crafts.
In order to promote traders concerned with the development of Reunion artisans, the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Reunion has made available to them a collective brand called “Artisanat de La Réunion”.

The brand aims to differentiate locally made crafts from imported products. She wants to promote points of sale promoting Reunion production to local and tourist customers. This brand has been extended to boutiques and collective points of sale which highlight local production by differentiating and promoting Reunionese craftsmanship.
The shop of East side Réunion, the Tourist Office, situated at Sainte-Anne, meets these conditions and was therefore selected for this brand. With its strategy of only offering products from local crafts, or in the case of products not manufactured here, such as textiles, where the “Reunion” message must be clearly displayed, our store is completely within the criteria .
The store is arranged in 9 very distinct universes: the Art of the Table (mugs, rum glasses, all washable towels and tea towels with Creole expression), Po boir (rums, punches, beers, etc.), Bien ez (soaps with plants and honey from Reunion Island), zaccessory (tot bag, water bottle, shopping bag …), Jewelry (lava stone jewelry, banana fiber, latan fruit, darling skin, etc.), Zartisanship (vacoa products, darling, etc.), liv/kahié (Creole tales and books on Creole heritage, hiking books, etc.), Savory Po manzé (peppers, spices, pickles, etc.), Sweet Po manzé (vanilla, jam, honey, syrup, etc.)
The Boutique favors marked, medal-winning or labeled products to promote producers and artisans who are committed to a quality approach in order to offer customers products of distinction.

The brand
The attribution of the brand comes with the right to use common communication tools.
It does not certify any hygiene, safety or quality standards concerning the regulations applying to the products concerned.
The store complies with the regulations relating to its activity. It holds the necessary authorizations (sanitary, hygiene, safety, use of protected materials, etc.).
The mark is awarded for a period of 3 years. It can be renewed for an identical duration.

The members
The Technical Award Committee is made up of representatives of the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Reunion, the Reunion Region, the Department of Reunion, the DEETS, the Reunion Island Tourism, the Réunion Tourism Federation, a representative of an artisan association and a representative of a local artisan shop.
The Technical Award Committee is made up of representatives of the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Reunion, the Reunion Region, the Department of Reunion, the DEETS, the Reunion Island Tourism, the Réunion Tourism Federation, a representative of an artisan association and a representative of a local artisan shop.
Additional recognition of the quality of Côté Est Réunion’s services!