Arts & Crafts
in Salazie

Art Déco Salazie

In the Cirque de Salazie, Art Déco Salazie is a craft shop.
The shop offers decorative wooden objects, textiles (t-shirts, towels, cushions), delicatessen (honey, jam, fricassee, syrup), well-being (herbal tea, bark, concoction), jewelry (necklaces, bracelets, headbands).
Also available are key rings, magnets, coasters, dishes, jewelry boxes, lamps, paintings. Everything is handmade by craftsmen from Salazie.
We speak: French, Creole



  • Craft entreprises

Admission fees

Payment method

  • Visas
  • Mastercard
  • Cash


140 rue Georges Pompidou
97433 Salazie
How do I get there?

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