Sugar cane and rum. Sugar cane is grown in tropical regions. It is the basis of sugar but also of Réunion rum.

A short history of sugar cane

Illustration of candy canes

Sugar cane is native to New Guinea and is believed to have first been cultivated over 6 years ago. It was later introduced to India, China and other parts of Asia, where it was cultivated for sugar production.

The Arabs played an important role in spreading the cultivation of sugar cane throughout the world. In the XNUMXth century, they introduced sugar cane to Egypt, from where it spread to North Africa and Spain. In the XNUMXth century, the Arabs introduced sugar cane to the island of Sicily, which was then under their rule.

Sugar cane market in Port Said in Egypt

Sugar cane on the island of La Réunion

Sugar cane is an emblematic crop of the Reunion Island. This culture has a long and complex history on the island, dating back to the days of French colonization in the XNUMXth century.

It was introduced to Réunion by French settlers in the 1660s. It quickly took hold on the island due to its tropical climate and fertile soil, and became a prominent crop.
Over the years, the cultivation of sugar cane in Reunion had its ups and downs due to factors. Fluctuations in sugar prices in the world market, plant disease epidemics and political changes are the reasons.
Despite this, sugar cane remains an important crop in Réunion, with a significant sugar industry that employs many people and contributes to the local economy. Réunion cane sugar is also appreciated for its quality and unique taste.

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