The Temple of the Colossus Sainte-Andre, located in the Champ-Borne district, facing the sea, the Temple is dedicated to goddess Pandialé.

The Temple of the Colossus
The base of the temple was built by indian indentured. From a modest chapel, it rose to the rank of the largest temple in Reunion. This temple amazes and intrigues, in fact, it is immense and very imposing thanks to its very bright colors. Its name comes from the story of the arrival of the recruits in Reunion. It is said that a boat called the colossus was shipwrecked not far from there. This is why it bears the name Colossus.
walking on fire
The Temple of the Colossus is very busy throughout the year. It sees its attendance increase by ten at the beginning of the year since it is the period of the walk on fire. Visitors can then observe the penitents crossing the "square" of fire at a more or less rapid pace without burning the soles of their feet.

temples and history
Tamil temples were all built gradually. In fact, when slavery was abolished in 1848, the indentured Indians came with their traditions and their religion. They needed places of worship. The chapels therefore flourished, with the small sheds in which they lived. All this close to large farms and sugar factories. over time, the Indian diaspora grew, in numbers and economically. Today, practitioners bring in craftsmen from India to renovate the buildings and give them the look of the great Indian temples.